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Testimonial |Non-actors

Streetlife Films makes testimonial that gets consistently phenomenal results for clients - it's authentic, on point and energetic. Diana Leach has developed a successful methodology to work with non-actors and get great results.
"It's about rapport building and have a genuine interest in who you are talking to. It's about encouraging their own language rather than advertising speak."

Streetlife Films has achieved formidable results for many clients, including Vanish, Nurofen for Children, Clearasil and Southern Phones. 

Clearasil - Havas

Tony Ferguson

Weight Watchers - BMF

Gloria - Strangely Normal Humans

Nurofen For Children - Havas

Richard - Strangely Normal Humans

Gaviscon - Reckitt Benckiser

Tony - Strangely Normal Humans

Weight Watchers - BMF



Real People Montage

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